The department of midwifery started its activities in 1986 in the school of Nursing & Midwifery. Educational activities include the establishment of counseling in midwifery, the establishment of a PhD in Community-Based Midwifery, providing journal clubs, guiding and counseling students, holding seminars, workshops, and congresses through Continual National Education, publication of scientific books and papers by the academic staff, and the teaching of theoretical and clinical courses as well as implementing innovation in education.

Research activities include publication of books and papers, adoption and implementation of research projects, partnership in research projects, and innovation and entrepreneurship in research. Executive and service related activities include clinical services (providing midwifery services, developing a tool for clinical evaluation, providing Partograph chart in the delivery room, increasing the facilities of clinical skills center and its further equipment, the compilation of the booklet of clinical skills for undergraduate students of midwifery), scientific services (holding workshops, seminars and festivals), and educational counseling services (educational counseling and dissertation).
B.Sc. Program Course Summary
• Symptomatology and Physical Examination (2 Credits)
• Psychiatric Midwifery (1 Credit)
• Pregnancy and Childbirth Internship, Related Care and Delivery at Home (8 Credits)
• Women’s Diseases and Emergencies Internship (2 Credits)
• Women’s Diseases and Infertility (3 Credits)
• Sexual Dysfunction, Related Education and Counseling (1 Credit)
• Women’s Diseases Internship (2 Credits)
• Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Related Care 1, 2, 3, & 4 (10 Credits)
• Pregnancy and Childbirth Internship and Related Care 1, 2 & 3 (5 Credits)
M.Sc. Program Course Summary
• Research Methods (2 Credits)
• Methods and Techniques for Teaching and Training (2 Credits)
• Planning and Designing Curriculum and Evaluating Educational Systems (2 Credits)
• Advice and Guidance on Midwifery and Reproductive Health (2 Credits)
• Research Seminar (2 Credits)
• Pregnancy, Childbirth, and New Phenomena in Midwifery 1 (2 Credits)
• Pregnancy and Childbirth Internship and New Phenomena in Midwifery (1 Credit)
• Pregnancy, Childbirth, and New Phenomena in Midwifery 2 (4 Credits)
• Women’s Diseases and Infertility (3 Credits)
• Dissertation (6 Credits)
All interested applicants are welcome to apply to TUMS by completing and submitting TUMS online application form in which they need to specify their school, level, and major of interest.