The Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing admits students at Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral levels. At the Bachelor’s level, students take 30 theoretical credits, 10 internship credits, and 8 field credits. The department’s education includes the following courses:
History and Evolution of Nursing
Medical-Surgical Nursing 1 to 4
Nursing in Crises
Emergency Nursing
Health Assessment
Nursing Mothers and Infants 1 & 2
Patient Education
The aim of the Master’s program is to train expert and professional nurses who can work in the private and public sectors of the healthcare system. Courses offered at the Master’s level include:
Medical-Surgical Nursing 1 to 3
Research Methods
Seminar and Project
Medical Information Systems
Teaching Education
Seminar on Nursing Issues
The aim of the Ph.D. program is to train research-oriented nurses who can contribute to the development of this profession through research. Courses offered at the doctoral level include:
Concepts and Theories in Nursing
Educational Measurement and Evaluation
Research in Nursing, Methodology and Workshops
Quantitative and Qualitative Techniques of Critical Essays
All interested applicants are welcome to apply to TUMS by completing and submitting TUMS online application form in which they need to specify their school, level, and major of interest.