Update Date : Wednesday, November 20, 2013    Visit : 5378

Department of Pharmaceutics

The Department of Pharmaceutics, considered as the oldest and largest Department in the School of Pharmacy, was developed at the beginning of the foundation of the School of Pharmacy as the "Department of Manufacturing and Application of Medicine" and was renamed to " Department of Industrial Pharmacy" and  further to "Department of Pharmaceutics" in recent years. In addition to educational activities, this department has been considered as the first pharmaceutical manufacturing factory in Iran as the "Pharmaceutical Incubator" located at North Kargar Avenue. Historically, the Pharmaceutical Incubator was pioneer in formulation, manufacturing and supplying of all required dosage forms in the hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, and this promotion was continued during the imposed war between Iran and Iraq for supplying medicine.
Till now, several departments including the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, the Department of Food and Drug Control, the Department of Nanotechnology and Biomaterials and also the Department of Biopharmacy and Pharmacometrics were derived from the Department of Pharmaceutics.
General Goals
Training pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists and nuclear pharmacists
Elimination of the country’s needs by research in pharmaceutics and nuclear pharmacy fields
Promotion of the level of university in the field of pharmaceutics and nuclear pharmacy
Spreading the frontiers of knowledge in the field of pharmaceutics and nuclear pharmacy fields
Strengthening the link between university and industry for development of science and technology 
Training pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists and nuclear pharmacists for scientific, pharmaceutical, medicinal, industrial and management centers of the country
Guidance and carrying out of basic and functional research in pharmaceutical fields and nuclear pharmacy towards the development of pharmaceutical technology for promotion of health of the society and economic progress of the country
Establishing suitable facilities and environment for attracting young and outstanding researchers in the course of functional and basic research and development of technology
Administration of pertinent conferences and scientific promotion of researchers at national and international levels
Having collaboration in research in pharmaceutics and nuclear pharmacy with hospitals, industries and the private sector
Training pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists and nuclear pharmacists
Promotion of their roles at an international level 
Carrying out basic and functional research for elimination of the needs of our country and other countries in the world 
Production and transfer of knowledge in pharmaceutics and nuclear pharmacy
All interested applicants are welcome to apply to TUMS by completing and submitting TUMS online application form in which they need to specify their school, level, and major of interest.