Update Date : Sunday, May 14, 2017    Visit : 3954

Department of Drug and Food Control

The Department of Food Chemistry and Medical Hydrology separated from the Department of Toxicology in 2002, and began to work as an independent department as the Department of Drug and Food Analysis in 2004, at the School of Pharmacy in Tehran University of Medical Sciences. From 2017 this department is known officially as Department of Drug and Food Control.
Now, there are 6 special labs with appropriate facilities to do scientific-applied research in the context of microbiology, microbial control of pharmaceutical and food products, hydrology, physicochemical control of pharmaceutical products, analysis and control of foods, probiotic research and control of biologic products. Also, there is an education lab to present the practical courses related to this field.
There are 9 full time faculty members in educational and research fields. In recent years, the activities of faculty members include: implementation of more than 60 research projects, publication of more than 200 research articles in domestic and foreign journals, supervision of about 200 M.Sc., Pharm.D., and Ph.D. theses and dissertations, and participation at both national and international  congresses. 
All interested applicants are welcome to apply to TUMS by completing and submitting TUMS online application form in which they need to specify their school, level, and major of interest.