Update Date : Sunday, August 12, 2018    Visit : 3347

Department of Medical Informatics

This Department aims at achieving excellence in research and education in medical informatics in order to improve human health, healthcare, and related research.
Research Interests 
  • Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
  • Decision Support and Expert Systems Using Fuzzy Logic and ANN
  • Image Processing
  • Telemedicine
Faculty Members                                                                              
Mostafa Langarizadeh, Ph.D. in Medical Informatics
Assistant  Professor, Head of Department
Tel: (98 21) 86 70 46 52
Fax: (98 21) 88 62 25 33
Abbas Shaikh Taheri, Ph.D. in Health Information Management
Assistant Professor
Tel: (98 21) 86 70 46 52
All interested applicants are welcome to apply to TUMS by completing and submitting TUMS online application form in which they need to specify their school, level, and major of interest.