A Promenade in Urology


Program Description


    This course is designed to introduce the principles and excitements of urology to foreign students in Tehran University of Medical Sciences. They will see an overview which either would help them in practice and/or choose their interest and specialty. They will learn the immensity, capacity or even limitations of urology training opportunities in Iran.


Contact Person


  • Dr. S.M. Ghahestani
  • Email: mgrosva@gmail.com
  • Tel: +98 912 849 1811



Program Objectives


  • Learning must learns of urology as far as one week time span lets us to reach
  • Discovering one’s hidden interest or ardor in urology as a specialty
  • Knowing the opportunities of urology training in Iran
  • Obtaining an overview of practice or referral in urology
  • Knowing us. We are amazing!

Method of Instruction


  • Brunt of the course will happen in lecture format. We look forward to diversify it in upcoming courses but we can’t linger to see you in the later courses. Clinic attendance will help trainees comprehend the real circumstances and decision making in field urology practice.


Program Location


  • The course will happen in Imam Khomeini Hospital, the largest hospital in Iran, as an educational center in prestigious Tehran University of Medical Sciences.


Program Director(s)


  • Dr. S.M. Ghahestani, Assistant Professor of Pediatric Urology
  • Dr. Erfan Amini, Assistant Professor of Urology


Program Instructors


  • Dr. Hossein Ayati, Associate Professor of Urology
  • Dr. Erfan Amini, Assistant Professor of Urology
  • Dr. Hossein Dialameh, Assistant Professor of Urology
  • Dr. S.M. Ghahestani, Assistant Professor of Pediatric urology
  • Dr. Pooya Hekmati, Assistant Professor of Pediatric Urology
  • Dr. M. Kardoust, Assistant Professor of Urology
  • Dr. Ali Momeni, Assistant Professor of Onco-Urology
  • Dr. Mohammad Reza Nowroozi, Professor of Urology


Numbers and Dates




Number Of Positions Offered 10
Program Duration 6 days
Program Start Date August 10, 2019
Program Finish Date August 15, 2019
Application Deadline May 15, 2019
Tuition Fee €200


Who Can Attend


  • Undergraduate international medical students



How To Apply


  • All applicants should apply online. Please note there is no in-person admission. You can fill in the Online Application Form and upload all the required documents at Online Application Form For more information on online application procedure please contact admission@tums.ac.ir

Visa Application


  • TUMS will assist you in obtaining your visa after you are admitted. All international students are required to obtain a student visa from the Iranian Consulate/Embassy in their home country before departing for Iran. After we receive your completed Visa Application Form (VAF), at least 6 to 8 weeks should be allowed for the completion of the visa application.Student will enter Iran with a one-month visa. After visiting their school and familiarizing themselves with the schedule and surroundings, students will be accompanied to the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology in order to extend their student visa (if necessary).



  • If you require accommodation, you will be given the opportunity to use our international dormitories located close to campus in Tehran at student rate.










