Code : 4446      Created Date : Monday, October 8, 2012   Update Date : Monday, December 24, 2018    Visit : 6899

Graduate Programs in Community Oral Health

TUMS is the oldest and most well-known medical center in Iran, nationally as well as internationally. TUMS, as one of the country’s top research universities, accepts applications from the most qualified students. It also has the largest schools of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, rehabilitation, allied medical sciences, public health, advanced technologies in medicine, nutritional sciences and dietetics, and nursing and midwifery in Iran as well as a virtual school.


In 2000, the Secretary of the Council for Dental Education and Postgraduate in Iran recognized Community Oral Health as a postgraduate discipline in dentistry. Tehran University of Medical Sciences started Community Oral Health training in 2001 for undergraduate students. The Department of Community Oral Health currently offers training at undergraduate and post-graduate levels for local students. The program has eight full-time academic members who have graduated in Community Oral Health (Ph.D. level) from high-quality international dental schools (Finland, Australia, TUMS) and one Pediatric Dentistry Specialist. At the international level, three advanced training program of Ph.D. (duration of 4 years), MSc (Duration of 2.5 years) and MDPH (duration of 2 years) are offered.

You can find more informations about the course details here.


Faculty Members

Dr. Simin Zahra Mohebbi , DDS, Ph.D.




Dr. Samaneh Razeghi,  DDS, MSc

Vice-Head for Educational Affairs



Dr. Reza Yazdani , DDS,  Ph.D.

Vice-Head for Research



Dr. Katayoun Sargeran,  DDS, Ph.D.

Post-graduate Director



Dr. Hossein Hesari, DDS, Ph.D.

Vice-Head for International Affairs



Dr. Mohammad Reza Khami, DDS, Ph.D.



Dr. Afsaneh Pakdaman, DDS, Ph.D.



Dr. Mahdia Gholami, DDS, Ph.D.



Dr. Ahmad Reza Shamshiri, DDS, MSc



Visiting Professor

Dr. Heikki Murtoma

Tell: +358 294 1911

Fax: +358 2941 27202



Contact Person for International Affairs

Dr. Hossein Hesari

Vice-Head for International Affairs


Tel.: (+ 98 21) 880 15 960

Fax: (+ 98 21) 880 15 961


All interested applicants are welcome to apply to TUMS by completing and submitting TUMS online application form in which they need to specify their school, level, and major of interest.

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