Code : 17489-350598      Created Date : Monday, September 21, 2015   Update Date : Sunday, November 22, 2015    Visit : 381

Self-Assessment Forms of the Management Development and Resources Planning Section Were Uploaded on the IQAAN Website.

In the International Accreditation Process, self-assessment forms are tools to control the implementation of accreditation in Education, Research, Student Affairs, International and Management Development and Resources Planning (MDRP) Section and include 3 main questions regarding the accreditation indicators namely: 1. existence or availability of the related documents 2. Implementation of indicators and 3. regular monitoring.

The forms are available separately for schools and for the departments of the headquarters.

It is notable that self-assessment forms for international affairs, student affairs and research affairs (2013-2014) are available on the IQAAN website and Education self-assessment forms will be uploaded soon.

  • To see the forms please follow the links below:

  • Self-assessment forms for International Affairs

  • Self-assessment forms for Students Affairs

  • Self-assessment forms for Research Affairs

  • Self-assessment forms for Management Development and Resources Planning (MDRP)

Please note that these forms are applicable for Schools. Forms for the departments of the MDRP headquarters will be uploaded as soon as they are announced.


Translated by S. Mohammadian
