Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges & Universities (ASIC) will be in Tehran on May 2017 to asses two Medical Sciences Universities.
This UK-based accreditation body will inspect Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) and Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBMU) during its visit. The chosen schools in this process will be evaluated based on evaluation indicators of ASIC in different areas by two inspectors from UK. Moreover, the documents of each indicator in five different areas of educational affairs, research affairs, student affairs, management development affairs, and International affairs will be investigated in this inspection.
It is worth mention that accreditation is a process based on individuals’ point of view (expert’s team) in which each university’s status will be assessed without considering the status of their counterparts in other universities. This evaluation is an outer assessment which is conducted by expert team (accreditor).
It is to say that TUMS will be reaccredited and SBMU will be accredited for the first time in this inspection.
Reported By: S. Javedanfard