Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Office of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies & International Affairs
Directorate of International Relations
Code : 7603-342726      Publish Date : Saturday, November 15, 2014 Visit : 9210

Int'l Relations | TUMS International Visiting Professors

TUMS International Visiting Professors


Dr. Fransissco Miguel Gama

In the field of Biomaterial sciences, Drug delivery and Biocompatibility

At School of Pharmacy

From University of Minho, Portugal



Dr. Lyndsey Nickels

In the Field of Speech Therapy

At School of Rehabilitation

From Macquarie University, Australia



Dr. Kathryn A. Bayles

In the Field of Speech Therapy

At School of Rehabilitation

From University of Arizona, USA



Dr. David J Libon

In the Field of Speech Therapy

At School of Rehabilitation

From School of Osteopathic Medicine, Rowan University, USA



Prof. Laura Murray

In the Field of Speech Therapy

At School of Rehabilitation

From School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, UK


Prof. Michael A. Nitsche

In the Field of Speech Therapy

At School of Rehabilitation

From Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors in Dortmund, Germany


Prof. Amir-Homayoun Javadi

In the Field of Speech Therapy

At School of Rehabilitation

From University of Kent, UK


Prof. Jane Knight

In the Field of Internationalization of Higher Education

At Office of Vice-Chancellor of Global Strategies and International Affairs

From University of Toronto, Canada

Prof. Fernando Salgado Blanco

In the Field of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine

At School of Traditional Medicine

From University of Santiago de Compostela


Prof. Alexander G. Haslberger

In the Field of Cellular and Molecular, Clinical and Community Nutrition

At School of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics

From University of Vienna and Federal Ministry for Health


Prof. Parmjit Singh Panesar

In the Field of Cellular and Molecular, Clinical and Community Nutrition

At School of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics

From Sant Longowal Inistitute of Engg. & Technology


Prof. Michael Nelson

In the Field of Cellular and Molecular, Clinical and Community Nutrition

At School of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics

From King's College London


Prof. Sean Strain

In the Field of Cellular and Molecular, Clinical and Community Nutrition

At School of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics

From University of Ulster


Prof. Gordon Ferns

In the Field of Cellular and Molecular, Clinical and Community Nutrition

At School of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics

From Brighton & Sussex University


Prof. Josette Camilleri

In the Field of Endodontics

At School of Dentistry

From University of Malta Medical School


Prof. Imad About

In the Field of Endodontics

At School of Dentistry

From Aix-Marseille University


Prof. Kishor Gulabivala

In the Field of Endodontics

At School of Dentistry

From Eastman Dental Institute, University College London


Prof. Kerstin Galler

In the Field of Endodontics

At School of Dentistry

From University Hospital Regensburg


Prof. Sanjay Miglani

In the Field of Endodontics

At School of Dentistry

From Jamia Millia Islamia University


Prof. Simon Clark

In the Field of Dermatology

At School of Medicine

From University of Queensland


Prof. Cliff Rosendahl

In the Field of Dermatology

At School of Medicine

From University of Queensland


Prof. Alena Skalova

In the Field of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

At School of Dentistry

From Charz University in Prague


Prof. Alireza Houshmand

In the Field of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

At School of Dentistry

From Mund Kiefer Gesichtschirurgie Berlin Westend



Prof. Michael Josef Kowolik

In the Field of Periodontics and Allied Dental Program

At School of Dentistry

From Indiana University


Prof. Jean Dupouy-Camet

In the Field of Parasitology

At School of Public Health

From Paris Descartes University


Prof. Abbas Ay Taher Alaboudy

In the Field of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

At School of Dentistry

From Univrsity of Kufa


Prof. Robert McSherry

In the Field of Practice Development and Patient Safety

At School of Nursing and Midwifery

From Teesside University


Prof. James Gustave Kahn

In the Field of Addiction Studies

At Iranian National Center for Addiction Studies

From University of California


Prof. Heikki Murtomaa

In the Fiels of Community Oral Health Science

At School of Dentistry

From University of Helsinki


Prof. Leonardo A. Sechi

In the Fiels of Microbiology Science

At School of Medicine

From University of Sassari


Prof. Willem Van Leeuwen

In the Fiels of Microbiology Science

At School of Medicine

From University of Applied Science of Leiden


Prof. Michel Drancourt

In the Fiels of Microbiology Science

At School of Medicine

From Marseille Medical School


Prof. Robert Hill

In the Field of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

At School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine 

From Queen Mary University of London
