Students and professors posing for a photo at the entrance of the Dissection Hall,
the very first TUMS facility which marked the establishment of the university.
The Department of Anatomy, established in 1935, is one of the oldest and largest basic sciences department. This department involves three major divisions, namely Histology, Embryology and Anatomy. It caters for the educational needs of undergraduate students of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, rehabilitation, nursing, midwifery, hygiene, etc. and graduate students of anatomy, neuroscience, and reproductive biology.
The department enjoys the use of educational facilities such as dissection halls, hall of anatomic models, and a wide range of capable labs for undergraduate and graduate students. The Department of Anatomy also provides services for the other departments and research centers. The research programs conducted by this division are multidisciplinary and cover studies from a single gene to the structure of the entire human body. Graduate students of this department focus on a variety of different issues in their research. The salient areas of their research are stem cells, neuroscience, and reproductive biology. Currently, the department has 15 faculty members.
Research Opportunities and Interests
Dr. Mehdi Abbasi: Reproductive Biology
Dr. Farid Abolhasani: Reproductive Biology
Dr. Mohammad Akbari: Neuroscience
Dr. Fardin Amidi: Reproductive Biology
Dr. Gholamreza Hassanzadeh: Neuroscience
Dr. Azim Hedayatpour: Neuroscience
Dr. Iraj Ragerdi Kashani: Neuroscience
Dr. Fatemeh Malek: Neuroscience
Dr. Kobra Mehrannia: Neuroscience
Dr. Bagher Minae Zangi: Traditional Medicine
Dr. Parichehr Pasbakhsh: Neuroscience
Dr. Tayebeh Rastegar: Reproductive Biology
Dr. Aligholi Sobhani: Reproductive Biology
Dr. Nasrin Takzaree: Wound Healing
Dr. Saeid Nekoonam: Reproductive Biolog
Facilities and Equipment
Animal Room
Dissection Hall
Anatomic Models (Antropology)
Histology Lab
Embryology Lab (Cell Culture, Immunofleoursence Staining and Imaging, PCR, Real-Time PCR, Western Blotting, Microinjection)
Histotechnique Lab (General and Special Staining, Stereology)
Neuroscience Lab (Stereotaxic, Crayomicrotom)
Movie Saloon & Library
Faculty Members
Gholamreza Hassanzadeh (Ph.D. of Anatomy)
Email: gholamreza_hassanzadeh@yahoo.com
Research Interests: Anthropology, Neuroscience
Seyed Mohammad Hossein Noori Mugahi (Ph.D. of Histology)
Email: noorimoo@tums.ac.ir
Research Interests: Histology, Histochemistry
Mohammad Akbari (Ph.D. of Anatomy)
Email: akbari@tums.ac.ir
Research Interest: Neuroanatomy
Parichehr Pasbakhsh (Ph.D. of Anatomy)
Email: pasbakhsh@sina.tums.ac.ir
Research Interest: Neuroscience
Mohammad Barbarestani (Ph.D. of Anatomy)
Email: barbarestani@tums.ac.ir
Research Interests: Anthropology, Clinical Anatomy
Aligholi Sobhani (Ph.D. of Anatomy)
Email: sobhania@sina.tums.ac.ir
Research Interest: Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART)
Farid Abol-Hasani (Ph.D. of Anatomy)
Associate Professor
Email: abolhasf@sina.tums.ac.ir
Research Interests: Clinical Embryology, Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART)
Mehdi Abbasi (Ph.D. of Anatomy)
Associate Professor
Email: abbasima@tums.ac.ir
Research Interest: Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART)
Iraj Ragerdi Kashani (Ph.D. of Anatomy)
Associate Professor
Email: ragerdi@tums.ac.ir
Research Interest: Cell Therapy in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Fardin Amidi (Ph.D. of Anatomy)
Associate Professor
Email: famidi@sina.tums.ac.ir
Research Interest: Assisted Reproduction Technique (ART)
Bagher Minae Zangi (Ph.D. of Histology)
Associate Professor
Email: minaezb@sina.tums.ac.ir
Research Interest: Traditional Medicine
Azim Hedayatpour (Ph.D. of Anatomical Sciences)
Assistant Professor
Email: hedayatpour@tums.ac.ir
Research Interest: Neuroscience
Tayebeh Rastegar (Ph.D. of Anatomical Sciences)
Assistant Professor
Email: trastegar@sina.tums.ac.ir
Research Interest: Assisted Reproduction Technique (ART)
Kobra Mehrannia (M.Sc. of Anatomy)
Email: mehranni@tums.ac.ir
Research Interest: Neuroscience
Nasrin Takzaree (M.Sc. of Histology)
Email: takzaree@yahoo.com
Research Interest: Herbal Medicine
Fatemeh Malek (M.Sc. of Histology)
Email: malek_fa65@yahoo.com
Research Interest: Neuroscience
Contact Information
Head of Department
Dr. Mehdi Abbasi
Tel.: (+98 21) 6405 3411
Fax: (+98 21) 6641 9072
Email: abbasima@sina.tums.ac.ir
Mailing Address: Poursina St. School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Contact Person
Dr. Tayebeh Rastegar
Tel.: (+98 21) 6405 3404
Fax: (+98 21) 8895 3008
Email: trastegar@sina.tums.ac.ir - trastegar2002@gmail.com
Mailing Address: Poursina St. School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences