Currently, this department is engaged in training and research in six hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (Shariati, Imam Khomeini, Yas, Arash, Baharlou, and Ziaeean hospitals) in two of which we train medical students and in four other we train postgraduate individuals (specialty, sub-specialty and fellowship) as well as undergraduate (medical students).
Since 1991, the fellowship training was started in this department. The first followship was in the field of infertility. At present, this department train fellowships in five field including Infertility, Oncology, Perinatology, Laparoscopy and Urogyecology.
There are 70 faculty members working in this department including 20 professors, 20 associated professors and 30 assistant professors. There are 20 faculty members in the field of infertility, 14 faculty members in the field of perinatology, 3 faculty members in the field of laparoscopy, 8 faculty members in the field of oncology, 5 faculty members in the field of urogynecology and 20 faculty members in the field of general gyneocology.
The International Scientific Congress is held every two years by the Department, which has 2500 to 3000 participants from different countries.
The department invites some faculty members from US universities every three to four months to collaborate on fetal surgery that has recently begun in this field. The name of some of the academics from other countries that have been collaborating with the department in recent years include Dr. Hanjani and Dr. Shamsiraz and Dr. Jazayeri.
Research Opportunities
The department has a research center called the Reproductive Health Research Center located in Imam Khomeini Hospital. This research center is researching in all fields of obstetrics and gynecology and is collaborating with other medical disciplines, especially neonatology.
Facilities and Equipment
The department has necessary facilities and equipment for diagnostic and therapeutic and research and educational activities in all of its sub-specialized fields. For example: In the field of infertility include IVF units with well Equipped Embryology Laboratories and in the field of perinatology include all types of fetal and obstetrical sonography and invasive procedures such as chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis, fetal intrauterine transfusion and other procedure and also all necessary facilities for laparoscopy and oncology and urogyneocology fields.
Head of Department
Dr. Ashraf Aleyasin
Tel.: (+98 21) 8822 0050
Fax: (+98 21) 8822 0050
Email: ivfshariati69@gmail.com
Mailing address: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Shariati Hospital, Tehran, Iran
Contact Person
Dr. Reihaneh Pirjani
Tel.: (+98 21) 7788 0909
Fax: (+98 21) 7788 3196
Email: pirjani@sina.tums.ac.ir
Mailing address: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Arash Women’s Hospital, Eastern 162th St., Baghdarnia st.,
Resalat Highway, Tehranpars, Tehran, Iran