Department of Medical Geriatrics

Geriatric medicine is a specialty that focuses on health care of elderly people. It aims to promote health by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities in older adults.



A geriatrician or geriatric physician is a physician who specializes in the care of elderly people. Geriatricians have developed an expanded expertise in the aging process, the impact of aging on illness patterns, drug therapy in seniors, health maintenance, and rehabilitation. They serve in a variety of roles including hospital care, long-term care, home care, and terminal care. In Iran, Doctors of Medicine (M.D.) complete a four-year geriatrics

residency program to become geriatrician. In Iran this discipline was established for the first time in 2013 in Tehran University of medical sciences, Ziaeeian hospital and the first generation of geriatricians have entered to academic circle since last year.


The geriatric medicine department has different disciplines, including: internal medicine, neurology, psychiatry, gerontology, clinical pharmacy, nutrition, physical medicine and rehabilitation, physical therapy, occupational therapy and etc. Currently, the department has 14 faculty members.


Chair of Geriatric Medicine: Dr. Farnaz Etesam, Assistant Professor, Psychiatrist, Fellow in Psychosomatic Medicine.


Research Opportunities and Interests

Fields of interest: Palliative care, nursing care systems, Cognitive disorder and dementia, Geriatric psychiatry, Gerontology, Physical medicine and Rehabilitation, Clinical pharmacy


Facilities and Equipment

Department of Geriatric Medicine have different clinics including: memory clinic for neuropsychological assessment, internal medicine clinic, psychiatry clinic, musculoskeletal pain and rehabilitation clinic, physical therapy, occupational therapy.Residents learn how to manage sub-acute hospitalized elders in geriatric ward. They also have rotations in other disciplines including: rheumatology, nephrology, pulmonary, cardiology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, sport medicine, palliative medicine and etc.


Head of Department

Dr.  Farnaz Etesam

Tel.: (+98 21) 5517 6813

Fax: (+98 21) 6119 2421


Mailing Address: Department of Medical Geriatrics, Education Building, Ziaaian Hospital, Tehran, Iran. Postal Code: 1366736511 


Contact Person

Dr. Alireza Namazi

Tel.: (+98 21) 5574 5975 – 6640 9088

Fax: (+98 21) 5575 1333 – 8163 4141


Mailing Address: Central Building of TUMS, Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran, Iran


