Department of Infectious Diseases



This department has 22 staff members, including 6 professors, 3 associate professors, and others as assistant professors. There is on offer 2 fellowship courses, HIV and Infection control, and the department admits 2 fellow each year, as well as 6 to 12 infectious diseases residents per year.


Program of activity includes:

  • 3 days morning reports for residents and fellows and students; 
  • Morning reports every other Tuesday is run by students;
  • Journal club all Sundays;
  • Journal club all Tuesdays for fellows;
  • Hepatitis case report every Tuesday for residents and fellows;
  • Ground rounds every Thursday;
  • Round with staff members every day for residents, fellows, interns, and students (as planned programs);
  • 2 days classes for students by staff members on important topics; and,
  • 2 days classes including case problems and reviewing guidelines for fellows.


Research Opportunities and Interests

  • Endemic disease (TB – Brucella, etc.)
  • Anti-microbial Resistant organisms – Antibiotic Stewardship
  • AIDS-Hepatitis – Infection Prevention and control


Facilities and Equipment

  • Free internet access for classes, Journal club weekly Clinics with Specialty in AIDS, Infectious Disease, Hepatitis (daily), ground round (weekly) Morning Report (every other day); and,
  • AIDS research Center - Hospital with almost all specialty like kidney liver/BM.           


Head of Department

Dr. Hamid Emadi Koochak

Tel.: (+98 21) 6658 1598

Cellphone: (+98) 912 357 4493

Mailing Address: Department of Infectious Diseases, Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, Tehran, Iran. Postal Code: 14197-33141


Contact Person

Dr. Mahboubeh Hajiabdolbaghi

Tel.: (+98 21) 6658 1598


Cellphone: (+98) 912 109 7472

Mailing Address: Department of Infectious Diseases, Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, Tehran, Iran. Postal Code: 14197-33141



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